woensdag 27 juli 2016


A limerick is a short, humorous poem with five
 lines and a twist or consequence in the last line

Learning Intention in writing: We are learning to write a successful Limerick.

Our Success Criteria:

Starts with a subject 
Describe the subject
What they have done
A twist or consequence in the last line

Three limericks I wrote:

There once was a very small cat 
but he began to get very fat
He wanted to implode 
but he started to explode
and that was the end of that

There once was a very big bean
but he began to get very lean
He decided to eat
a lot through his feet
but then he became the queen

There once was a very sad dog 
who always sat on a log
He drifted down river
and began to shiver
but then he was killed by frog

My favorite poem by Nicholas:

There once was a cat named Splat
Who had a very large plait,
His plait got cut,
By a nut,
And that was the end of that.